Retention of Data and Information

Entity Description Retention time
Communications events Log of events relating to the recipients of communications 545 days after sending the communication
Transactional messages sent Statistical information and events related to the transactional message. Note: the message body is deleted immediately after sending, except for transactional messages sent with the “messageRetention full” option whose body is deleted together with the transactional message. 545 days
Planning concluded History of contact bookings managed with the optional “AdPlanner” module Note: the list and reports of the schedules carried out remain available and can be consulted. 545 days
Workflow session Details of the contact sessions within the workflows created with the optional “Marketing Automation” module 365 days
Technical data of sending Technical data relating to massive sending 15 days after sending the communication
Contact import file Files uploaded by the user when importing contacts 15 days
Data export file Files generated by the platform following a request for massive data export 15 days
Detailed web service log Detailed log of web service requests 30 days
User activity log Information relating to account user activity 180 days
User access log User access log to the platform 3650 days
Platform technical logs Logs recorded for system security and analysis 15 days
Access log web platform Web event log for system security and analysis 3650 days
Content of e-mail messages sent through MTA Content processed by and transited on the Mail Transfer Agent 1Up to 7 days
Sending log on the MTA Log of the sending events of email messages sent by the Mail Transfer Agent 180 days
Backup backup and disaster recovery copies from 15 to 60 days based on the type of service
Network service log Logs of servers that provide web services Up to 180 days